lunedì, dicembre 17, 2007

Le decisioni del tempo

In questi anni le attività ad opera di velivoli non identificati si sono intensificate a tal punto da rendere non più proponibili le mappe satellitari, sostituite da ridicole ed ingannevoli animazioni al computer. Domanda: per quale motivo non ci mostrano più le mappe satellitari? Forse perché sono impresentabili? I servizi meteo sono controllati dai militari. Pensateci e ponetevi delle domande. Vi stanno ingannando!

Il video

1996 Weather report. Look at the satellite images, behind the meteorologist, In Italy, in 1996, the secret and illegal chemtrails operation was not begun yet.

2007 Weather report. Watch, behind the meteorologist, the false animation which shows weather situation.

In these last years, the chemical and biological operations have become so ugly that satellite images can not be shown. In fact, they were substituted by false computer animations. The question is the following: why can't we see real satellite images? May be because they are terrifying. Weather reports are controlled by the army. Think about that. They are cheating you!

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